Saturday, November 23, 2013


 painting by Lucas Cranach on Lutheran teachings
"We shall grow in grace, but we shall never be more completely pardoned than when 
we first believed: we shall one day stand before the glorious presence of God in his 
own sacred courts, and see the Well-beloved and wear his likeness, but we shall not 
even then be more perfectly forgiven than we are at this present moment."
"Alas, I may be sinning, for even in the holiest deeds we do there is still sin, but even 
then God is still forgiving. If indeed you are a believer in Jesus Christ the Lord is at 
all times forgiving you: as constant as your sin so constant is his forgiveness."
"You are often sinning, but he is always forgiving you; you are often wandering, often 
erring, often grieving him, but “he forgiveth all thine iniquities.” I do not feel like 
preaching when I touch this text. I heartily wish I could sit down and have a happy 
cry over this blessed truth that my God is at this moment forgiving me."
C.H. Spurgeon

They gave Him the Hammer


Obama: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing…….Beware the Message in the Fabian Window

By William Kevin Stoos/Canada Free Press
It is a beautiful, if creepy thing, this Fabian Window. And since I first wrote about it four years ago—before Obama’s socialist administration came to power—the message contained in the stained glass has become creepier still, for the message in the glass portends where Obama has taken us the last four years and where he intends to take us yet. It illustrates his game plan, his program, his ideology and his modus operandi. And it might as well hang in the White House for all to see. For the sheep’s clothing has been removed and we see the wolf for what he is…..
The wolf plays a prominent role in socialist thought. V.I. Lenin once said “When you live among wolves you must howl like a wolf,” meaning, of course, that if political necessity requires you to act like a capitalist or live among capitalists while you organize and work for socialist causes, you must act like those among whom you live. This is simply a matter of expediency.  Norman Thomas, a founder of the A.C.L.U. once said:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
There is a stained glass window (see above) currently on display in the London School of Economics. Designed by George Bernard Shaw to commemorate the founding of the Society, the “Fabian Window” features Society members hammering the world in order, as the motto proclaims, to “REMOULD IT NEARER TO THE HEART’S DESIRE.” [sic]. A close and politically astute friend of mine—and leading expert on socialism—exclaimed: “How brazen are the socialists!”  When I asked why, he pointed to the image of the wolf dressed in a sheepskin displayed prominently on the Fabian Window—a stark and ostentatious reminder that the goal of the socialists is to work secretly, in disguise (just as Lenin counseled) and adapt to the flock, herd, or society in which you are moving and working.  Put simply, if you read and study socialist thought, the message is very clear:  work to remould the world to your heart’s desire and work for socialist causes discreetly—in disguise—and adapting to whatever milieu in which you are working. This, of course, begs the question: “Whose heart desires to remould the world and how? Depending on who has the hammer—we may or may not like the change.
Obama looks good. He is (as Biden once said during the 2008 primaries) “intelligent and articulate.”  He wears nice suits. He has wonderful stage presence and he is a rock star.  And people still have no idea who he is, where he came from, who influenced him or what his plans are if he—the most inexperienced politician ever to come out of nowhere—is re-elected president.  Influenced by Uncle Frank Marshall Davis (a communist organizer in Hawaii who was no fan of racial equality and whose agenda was only to promote racial and class struggle), Billy Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn—two unapologetic American terrorists who went underground for years to foster terrorism and support our enemies right here in our own country, a radical black liberation “minister” and others, Obama has an agenda. And, the change of which he speaks may well not be what most Americans think, or want.

What are his plans for America?
  • Redistribution of wealth from those who own the means of production to those who don’t
  • Fostering of class envy and economic class warfare
  • Government control of the health care system and education
  • Increased taxes on the wealthy (whomever he decides is wealthy)
  • Taxing corporations for being too successful
  • Punishing with new federal taxes, employers who do not choose to purchase Obamacare health insurance for their employees
  • Increased deference to the United Nations and erosion of our national sovereignty
  • Consorting with enemies of Israel and America
  • Bigger and more intrusive government
  • Appointing federal commissars with no constitutional authority to do so
  • Ensuring that America is not a superpower, but an equal among all nations
  • Denigrating religion (which as Marx noted, is the opiate of the masses) and
  • Disregarding the Constitution in an effort to re-form (remould) a foundational document that has served us well for over two centuries.

If this sounds suspiciously like the message on the Fabian Window, the writings of V.I. Lenin or Antonio Gramsci, well, it should. He has plans for America and the world. He has had the sledge hammer for four years now. He continues to “remould the world nearer to [his] heart’s desire.”  We must ask who he is really. Americans have not asked enough; they are far too trusting and far too naïve when it comes to Obama.

And this November, we must take away his hammer.
Copyright © 2012 William Kevin Stoos

Sultanate of Sclerosis


This gets funnier and funnier the longer it goes.

After the president's pathetic performance last week, the blowback is almost sit-com worthy. 

As you now know, what the president actually said yesterday is that he'snot giving individuals the same delay he gave corporations or the same subsidies and waivers he gave congress and certain favored corporations and government bureaucracies, he's merely prepared to wink and look the other way and indulge in what he called 'selective enforcement' ...and just until after the 2014 midterms.

The president is trying to pretend that insurance companies are free to offer the old policies, but, they aren't. And aside from the financial impact and the bureaucratic snafu involved inturning the clok back, they don't wish to break the law...which has not been repealed. What President Obama is hoping is that the anger of the low information voters will be directed on to the insurance companies and that people will still be forced into the expensive, hidden-subsidy exchanges. After which, he can say 'hey it isn't my fault.' That's his thinking, but I have doubts it will fly. Three years ago, maybe but not now. 

The insurance companies were, to be polite about it, not exactly pleased. They spent millions of dollars complying with ObamaCare, antagonized a number of their customers and now the Prevaricator-in-Chief expects them spend millions more to rewrite and recreate insurance plans that no longer exist and are still illegal policies under the law and expose themselves to litigation! Given this president's credibility and his tendency to change his mind depending on which way the wind is blowing, they'd be fools to trust his word and expose themselves legally.

Thus Spake Obama 
The incompetence of our neo-monarchy 
On Thursday, he passed a new law at a press conference. George III never did that. But, having ordered America’s insurance companies to comply with Obamacare, the president announced that he is now ordering them not to comply with Obamacare. The legislative branch (as it’s still quaintly known) passed a law purporting to grandfather your existing health plan. The regulatory bureaucracy then interpreted the law so as to un-grandfather your health plan. So His Most Excellent Majesty has commanded that your health plan be de-un-grandfathered. That seems likely to work. The insurance industry had three years to prepare for the introduction of Obamacare. Now the King has given them six weeks to de-introduce Obamacare.
“I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this,” mused former Vermont governor Howard Dean. But he’s obviously some kind of right-wing wacko. Later that day, anxious to help him out, Congress offered to “pass” a “law” allowing people to keep their health plans. The same president who had unilaterally commanded that people be allowed to keep their health plans indignantly threatened to veto any such law to that effect: It only counts if he does it — geddit? As his court eunuchs at the Associated Press obligingly put it: “Obama Will Allow Old Plans.” It’s Barry’s world; we just live in it.

The reason for the benign Sovereign’s exercise of the Royal Prerogative is that millions of his subjects — or “folks,” as he prefers to call us, no fewer than 27 times during his press conference — have had their lives upended by Obamacare. Your traditional hard-core statist, surveying the mountain of human wreckage he has wrought, usually says, “Well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” But Obama is the first to order that his omelet be unscrambled and the eggs put back in their original shells. Is this even doable? No. That’s the point. When it doesn’t work, he’ll be able to give another press conference blaming the insurance companies, or the state commissioners, or George W. Bush . . . 
The most telling line, the one that encapsulates the gulf between the boundless fantasies of the faculty-lounge utopian and the messiness of reality, was this: “What we’re also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy.” Gee, thanks for sharing, genius. Maybe you should have thought of that before you governmentalized one-sixth of the economy. By “we,” the president means “I.” Out here in the ruder provinces of his decrepit realm, we “folks” are well aware of how complicated insurance is. What isn’t complicated in the Sultanate of Sclerosis?  But, as with so many other things, Obama always gives the vague impression that routine features of humdrum human existence are entirely alien to him. Marie Antoinette, informed that the peasantry could no longer afford bread, is alleged to have responded, “Let them eat cake.” There is no evidence these words ever passed her lips, but certainly no one ever accused her of saying, “If you like your cake, you can keep your cake,” and then having to walk it back with “What we’re also discovering is that cake is complicated to buy.” That contribution to the annals of monarchical unworldliness had to await the reign of Queen Barry Antoinette, whose powdered wig seems to have slipped over his eyes.

Until October 1, Obama had never done anything — not run a gas station, or a doughnut stand — other than let himself be wafted onward and upward to the next do-nothing gig. Even in his first term, he didn’t really do: Starting with the 2009 trillion-dollar stimulus, he ran a money-no-object government that was all money and no objects; he spent and spent, and left no trace. Some things he massively expanded (food stamps, Social Security disability) and other things he massively diminished (effective foreign policy), but all were, so to speak, preexisting conditions. Obamacare is the first thing Obama has actually done, and, if you’re the person it’s being done to, it’s not pretty.
The president promised to “fundamentally transform” America. Certainly, other men have succeeded in transforming settled, free societies: Pierre Trudeau did in Canada four decades ago, and so, in post-war Britain, did the less charismatic Clement Attlee. And, if you subscribe to their particular philosophy, their transformations were effected very efficiently. But Obama is an incompetent, so “fundamentally transformed” is a euphemism for “wrecked beyond repair.” As a socialist, he makes a good socialite.
But on he staggers, with a wave of his scepter, delaying this, staying that, exempting the other, according to his regal whim and internal polling. The omniscient beneficent Sovereign will now graciously “allow” us “folks” to keep all those junk plans from bad-apple insurers. Yet even the wisest King cannot reign forever, and what will happen decades down the road were someone less benign — perhaps even (shudder) a Republican — to ascend the throne and wield these mighty powers?
Hey, relax: If you like your constitution, you can keep your constitution. Period. And your existing amendments. Well, most of them — except for the junk ones . . . 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Tax Code and the Very Rich

TAX CODE HITS THE RICH, BUT NOT THE VERY RICH: “While the affluent will pay more in taxes this year, that is probably not the case for the very wealthiest — those worth hundreds of millions or more. They may still be paying a lower tax rate than Warren Buffett’s secretary. Many millionaires are certainly paying at least 30% of their income in taxes, a goal President Obama set out in last year’s State of the Union address. But they’re more likely to be doctors, lawyers and people working in the financial services industry who get the bulk of their earnings in the form of paychecks. Partners in private equity firms and hedge fund managers, on the other hand, earn much of their money as a share of their funds’ earnings. And that income gets preferential tax treatment as so-called carried interest. A similar special tax treatment still holds true for Mr. Buffett as long as the bulk of his income comes from his investments and not a paycheck.”

REMEMBER WHEN OBAMA WAS GOING TO SAVE US FROM THE EVIL BANKERS WHO WRECKED THE ECONOMY? NOW HE WANTS TO HAND OVER THE TREASURY TO ONE: WaPo: Jack Lew had major role at Citigroup when it nearly imploded. “In early 2008, he became a top executive in the Citigroup unit that housed many of the bank’s riskiest operations, including its hedge funds and private equity investments. Massive losses in that unit helped drive Citigroup into the arms of the federal government, which bailed out the bank with $45 billion in taxpayer money that year.”

Monday, January 7, 2013

if we keep killing future taxpayers...


Washington Eye $1 Trillion Tax Hike

Democrats say they want to raise as much as $1 trillion in new revenues through tax reform later this year to balance Republican demands to slash mandatory spending.

Democratic leaders have had little time to craft a new position for their party since passing a tax deal Tuesday that will raise $620 billion in revenue over the next 10 years.  
The emerging consensus, however, is that the next installment of deficit reduction should reach $2 trillion and about half of it should come from higher taxes.

This sets up tax reform as one of the biggest fights of the 113th Congress, which began on Thursday.
Planned Parenthood Reports Record-High Taxpayer Funding, Abortions
In its latest annual report for fiscal year 2011 to 2012, Planned Parenthood reveals that it performed 333,964 abortions in 2011 – a record year for the organization.
According to annual reports, the organization performed 332,278 abortions in 2009, 329,445 in 2010, making the total number of abortions in three years to 995,687.Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding, according to a Susan B. Anthony List analysis of the report, in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. The amount is 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.Contraceptive services at Planned Parenthood have dropped by 12 percent since 2009, and cancer screening & prevention services have dropped by 29 percent.

For you created my inmost being;

    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

    your works are wonderful,

    I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you

    when I was made in the secret place,

    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

Psalm 139:13-16


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sketchy Ice Creams


Bird Box Studio

The state is her Shepherd


When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.

Genesis 3:6

10 Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the valley of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere—this was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah—like the garden of the Lordlike the land of Egypt as you go to Zoar. 11 So Lot chose for himself all the valley of the Jordan, and Lot journeyed eastward. Thus they separated from each other.12 Abram settled in the land of Canaan, while Lot settled in the cities of the valley, and moved his tents as far as Sodom. 13 Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the Lord.

Genesis 13:10-13

31 But Jacob said, First sell me your birthright.”
Genesis 25:31

“Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses while this house lies desolate?” Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider your ways! You have sown much, but harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes.”

Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider your ways! Go up to the mountains, bring wood and rebuild the temple, that I may be pleased with it and be glorified,” says the Lord. You look for much, but behold, it comes to little; when you bring it home, I blow it away. Why?” declares the Lord of hosts, “Because of My house which lies desolate, while each of you runs to his own house.

Haggai 1:4-9
